
 (Tragelaphus angasii)

 Visitors to Leopard Walk Lodge often enjoy viewing Nyala . This is one of the most beautiful antelope species that is to be found in South Africa. In fact, it is right in the environs where we are situated at false Bay Park (which now forms part of the Isimangaliso World Natural Heritage Site)  where European scientists first discovered this antelope in South Africa – although local Zulu people would have already known about this strikingly colourful and stately animal.

Nyala Bull

Nyala Male

Nyala inhabit sand forest and other dense bush where they get most of their food from browsing leaves, fruit  and flowers, although they will also graze newly sprouted grass.  Nyala are often seen moving together with monkeys that are wasteful feeders and drop much sort after fruit to the ground.  Often guests also view the tiny diminutive suni-antelope and red duiker (both red data species) who follow the Nyala and monkeys hoping to find left over fruit and other feats.

When viewing Nyala at Leopard Walk Lodge, you would be most likely to see a herd of females accompanied by a stately and beautiful territorial bull.  As Nyala move from group to group with the exception of mothers and their young that stay together, you may also see a female with her young.

Sometimes bachelor herds also may be observed and this provides a unique experience of observing a dominance display. In this situation a male Nyala displays dominance by exaggerating his size and erecting his white haired crest as he parades stepping high with his yellow legs showing a regal and proud attitude– an awesome site to view.

Nyala bear single young and they are born in the thick sand forest cover.  Sometimes the calf is lift to lie out for two to three weeks where if discovered it flattens itself to the ground.

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