Four Toed Elephant Shrew (four toes stegi)

Four Toed Elephant Shrew

How exciting. For the first time in ages I saw a four-toed elephant shrew on my hike.(not my photo…) He ran across the path very quickly! Also known as-Four toed sengi they are amazing little animals rare red data species that we are pleased to protect at Leopard Walk Lodge Reserve. They have just four toes on their hind feet and weigh about 180 – 280 grams.
Their long elephant type nose looks like a trunk and they use it to feed with, by flicking their prey into their mouths.



Their main diet consists of ants, termites, crickets, grasshoppers, centipedes, spiders, millipedes and earthworms. They are monogamous and after a gestation of about 40 – 60 days after mating, one or two offspring are born, quite well developed and they are weaned after just 15 days.

If they fight, usually two of the same gender, they stand on their hind legs and box with the front limbs tackling one another.
They are some of the many unusual and rare animal species that we are pleased to protect at Leopard Walk Lodge Wildlife Reserve.

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