Dr. Dan Gottlieb Visit to Leopard Walk Lodge

Leopard Walk Lodge was honored to host Daniel Gottlieb Ph. D from USA,
who is an Internationally acclaimed author and recognized mental health
expert, practicing psychologist and family therapist, talk show host
and a sought after speaker on family and social issues including the
well being of communities.

After a near-fatal accident rendered him paralyzed and as a person who
lives with quadriplegia Daniel Gottlieb came to understand the
importance of patience, acceptance, gratitude, hope and faith and he
reaches out both through his wonderful books and in person to touch the
hearts of many.

Dr. Dan Gottlieb

Dan together with his family and nurses enjoyed the expertise of
Access2AfricaSafaris who were their tour hosts during their visit to Kwa
Zulu Natal.

As an acclaimed author whose books have been translated into more than
11 languages, Dan received numerous awards including the the 2008 Books
for a Better Live Award and the Fervent Global Love of Lives Medal from
the Chou Ta-kuan Cultural and educational Foundation in Taiwan.

The humility and love of Dan, his family and nurses touched us and we
were indeed privileged to host their stay at Leopard Walk Lodge. You
would find more about his amazing work on his website www.drdangottlieb.com

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