Your visit to Leopard Walk Lodge will bring you to one of South Africa’s most spectacular eco-tourism regions, The Elephant Coast of Zululand, on the North East Coast of South Africa. There are unique opportunities to observe and photograph a wide variety of wild animals and birds.
The Reserve is home to numerous bird species, red data mammal species and other wildlife. Guests (especially nature and wildlife photographers) love our guided walks through the reserve because they’re interesting and safe. Zulu cultural interpretations are given during the walk and there is no need for armed guards to ward off possible attacks from dangerous animals.
Wild animals will normally scatter or bolt at the sight of humans, unless of course the people are “hidden” in a vehicle. Thanks to our policy of protecting our wildlife, the animals are normally quite relaxed and let people get relatively close to them on foot.
During one of the guided bush walks, guests were delighted to discover and follow the tracks of a young Leopard Tortoise and were also informed about how to sex a tortoise. They enjoyed it so much, that they made this little video of their experience.