Baby Warthog newborn
The new born baby warthog are just a few days old. December is the time of the year that many new born babies from various species are born. This mother has only 2 new babies although sometimes up to 8 babies are born to a sow. The mother carries the babies for about 6 months before they are born (gestation period) and then stays in her hole with them for some time before venturing out again.
It is interesting to know that a warthog mother will sometimes allow other piglets to nurse with her babies and this is known as Allosucking. This is to help protect the young of other mothers if necessary. Warthog mothers not unlike other species are very protective towards their young and can become quite aggressive, so care should be taken if guests are in the vicinity of these baby animals. Warthog are not always aggressive though and they even allow monkeys to groom them at times.