OUR UNUSUAL BABY WILDEBEEST’S FAMILY: Our unusual baby wildebeest family….. This baby’s mother must be monogamous as she came to join her original mate- the father of the baby, in the bachelor herd.Usually the females will stay with the dominant male and other females in the breeding herd. But when this baby was born the bachelors all took on the … Read More
Photo-Time with wildebeest
Sarah-Anne Cuthbertson sharing photo time with wildebeest at Leopard Walk lodge
Hidden Gem
Have you seen this Hidden Gem? For those who love to lounge in Africa’s armchair Leopard Walk Lodge is a traveler’s barefooted dream of natural luxury and commanding tranquility where diverse wildlife and more than 350 bird species are relaxed for viewing as the Reserve is a haven where no hunting is allowed. As compassionate animal lovers, the owners have … Read More
Blue Wildebeest
The blue Wildebeest are sociable animals. The bulls are highly territorial and stake out an area similar to that of a white rhinoceros. These Wildebeest create numerous ‘rolling grounds’ often depositing their dung thereon. These rolling grounds are usually in open areas providing good visibility for approaching carnivores.