Lioness hunting seen during Game Drive

What an amazing experience to watch two lionesses stalking a young nyala ram. They had their plan well worked out. They approached the nyala that was on the edge of the road, by herding it from both sides of the road, one female each side. He managed to escape and they seemed a little foregone to have missed their prey. … Read More

Monkey on top of the World

The monkey on Top of the World in the early morning of a chilly day hoped to enjoy the first warm rays of the sunrise. He also climbed up high into the marula tree to get a world view across the Reserve and stay safe from any predator. Another benefit would have been for the rest of the troop that … Read More

Do they share wisdom? Aged Nyala and ancient Natal Mahogany tree

An old nyala bull resting peacefully under the ancient natal mahogany tree perhaps shows us how nature may share wisdom. It is proved that trees communicate through intricate underground networks with one another. All things are connected somehow and perhaps the nyala also shared his wisdom with the knarled aged tree in our forest. .

Tortoise first of the season

Exciting find! The season’s first tortoise. Further on the hiking trail, I saw one of the largest monitor lizards scampering away far too quickly for a photo. I was checking footprints to see whether the wild dogs that visited us previously had perhaps sneaked in again, as they have recently been seen not far from our Reserve. Suddenly a little … Read More

Sand Forest Diversity

observing a sand forest tree

We were recently pleased and honoured to have Theo Mostert from the University of Zululand and Liesl Mostert, assist us with identifying more than 56 different trees on our hiking trail. Many of the trees that were identified occur only in the unique sand forest vegetation of our area and some of them are rare and protected species. Kirsten Callant … Read More

Baby White Rhino suckling.

BABY WHITE RHINO suckling from its mother is a very special sight! The mother would have given birth to this baby after a gestation of about 16 months, almost twice the duration of a human mothers pregnancy. The calf is tiny at birth and remains unsure of its balance for a few days. It usually weighs about 40 kg. The … Read More

Orange Tip butterfly

Orange Tip Butterfly The Orange Tip Butterfly  is often seen around our Wildlife Reserve during May.  Our area is known to support some of the most diverse species of butterflies that occur in South Africa. It is really a paradise for those who enjoy observing and photographing them.  More than 100 species occur in our region. Visitors will also enjoy … Read More

Warthog enjoy staying warm.

Warthog enjoy staying warm! Lying fast asleep next to the bush fire these warthog were obviously enjoying the warmth of the fireside. With humanlike attitudes often less understood! Like many species of mammal they portray many features that prove them to be far more intelligent that may be understood. Warthog also enjoy grooming one another and are social animals living … Read More

Come see the Lion in Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park!

COME SEE THE LION IN HLUHLUWE IMFOLOZI PARK! Newly introduced lion have been regularly seen close to the road in Hluhluwe Imfolozi Park. It is interesting to note that the Park and indeed the whole of Zululand was once devoid of any lion at all. Unbelievably during the 1950’s almost all wild animals were shot as vermin as it was … Read More

Yellow billed stork. Guests view some of our region’s 450 bird species.

Yellow billed stork. Guests view some of our region’s 450 bird species. This beautiful Stork is one of the many wetland bird species found in our environs. Adjacent to our reserve is our World Natural Heritage Site, Lake St. Lucia of the Elephant Coast. Here more than 450 bird species are found and it has been recorded that Leopard Walk … Read More